Ableton live course level 1 (EU)
Teacher: ANNA DISCLAIM - Ableton certified trainer
The course is on-line one-to-one with your teacher - AM_Lab: study where and when you want
AM-LAB Ableton Live Course
Level 1 (20 sessions)
1. Intro, Setup, Live Concept, Tour of Live
2. Understanding MIDI vs Audio, Session vs Arrangement view
3. Intro to Drum Racks, working with one shot samples
4. Programming beats pt1.- Step Sequencing
5. Programming beats pt 2- Real time recording
6. Programming beats pt 3.- Painting notes
MIDI editing
7. Scales and Melodies pt1.
8. Scales and Melodies pt2.
10. Working with Audio
Warping pt1.
11. Warping pt2.
12. Simpler pt1.
Slicing audio
13. Recording Audio pt1.
Setting up for recording, sample rate, bit depth, latency
14. Recording Audio pt2.
15. Intro to Synthesis pt1.
16. Intro to Synthesis pt2.
17. Simpler pt2.
18. Audio FX pt1.
19. Arranging in Live
20. Automation pt1.