Mixing with Cubase 12 with Franco Fraccastoro and Dj Telaviv
Length: 30 sessions (45 min each one)
Course Type: group online, included 5 hours of laboratory in our recording studio or on line (the student can choose what he prefers)
Language: Italiano -English
Certification: Official Steinberg Certification
Cost: 400
Mixing: general approach
Cubase Pro 12 (key features for mixing)
Dynamics Processing
Compression Controls and Functionality
Compressor Types, Demonstrations, and Comparisons
Equalization tech:
History, Theory, Application
EQ Types
Reverb and Delays
Reverbs: Parameters
Different Reverbs Cubase and other important one
Dynamics Processing 2:
How to work with them
Compressor, expander, limiter and gate
Limiting and Loudness Maximization
Noise Gating and Expansion
Use of Side-Chains,
Multi-Band Compression and Limiting
Other effect
VCA, Group channel and routing for mixing
Groove mixing techniques:
Drum Equalization, Compression, Gating, Editing, Leveling, and Grouping
Mixing MIDI Drums versus Acoustic Drum
Drum Sound Replacement and Sample
Drum Timing Correction
Drums and Bass mixing techniques
Drums and bass techniques
Special bass frequencies organization and mixing
Instrument mixing techniques
Mixing Strings, Synthesized and Guitars
Vocal mixing techniques
Vocals for the Mix: Vocal Editing and tuning and Time correction
Vocal EQ, Dynamic, Gain-Setting, Leveling
FX Processing
Different mixing techniques for different types of music
- Special extra content: the groove for Urban Music
Coming soon